Kerning has an interest in maintaining the quality, originality, and legality of the content we host. To best serve our creative community and to meet our own legal obligations to copyright holders, we have adopted the following policy toward repeat copyright infringers on our platform.

Our commitment to individualized consideration

Copyright claims are complex, and can often be used to silence or censor the kind of reporting and commentary we hope to support. Accordingly, we are committed to handling repeat infringers on a case-by-case basis as long as our total caseload allows. Our aim is to take remedial action seriously, not mechanically.

Context is important

A corollary to our commitment above, we strive to consider the greater context of copyright claims in deciding on remedial action. This includes asking:

When we will consider repeat infringer claims

We will consider whether remedial action is appropriate when:

Remedial Action

We will consider any appropriate remedial action currently available in our content moderation workflow, potentially including: